How to contribute
Potential authors should contact the Honorary Editor at an early stage in the preparation of submissions for Medieval Archaeology. Papers are accepted in principle on the advice of an editorial committee and are subject to peer review. Detailed information about the journal is available on the journal’s page at Taylor and Francis Online.

Medieval trading post at Mariuhofn, Nr Akranes, Iceland
We welcome original submissions of international significance, or national significance and international interest, which match the objectives of the Society. Prospective authors, should, in the first instance, read our guidance notes for Instructions for authors [2022]. We ask all prospective authors (even those with completed manuscripts) to download, complete, and submit a Stage One Form via email to the Honorary Editor, Dr Duncan Wright (
This proposal will be considered by the editors, and if authors are invited to submit a full research paper or shorter contribution, the article text and images will be submitted via our online Editorial Manager system. Please feel free to contact the Honorary Editor at an early stage in preparing your research for publication for advice about its suitability for the journal, or if you have any queries about the submission process.
As a guideline, papers will normally not be longer than 12,000 words including notes and bibliography, although there will be exceptional circumstances, including when a grant is available to support publication. A ‘shorter contribution’ will tend to be in the region of 5–7,000 words. (For items that are shorter than this, consider sending these to the Newsletter Editor; see below for details). We also welcome fieldwork highlight reports for Medieval Britain and Ireland, and offers of book reviews, which should be submitted to the Medieval Britain and Ireland Editor and the Reviews Editor respectively.
Contact Details
Articles and shorter contributions
Honorary Editor: Dr Duncan Wright
School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Newcastle University
Deputy Editor: Dr Katie Hemer
Books for Review
Reviews Editor: Dr Sarah Kerr
Department of Archaeology Seandálaíocht
University College Cork, Cork,
Tel +353-21-490-3000
Reports for Medieval Britain and Ireland, including Highlights
Medieval Britain and Ireland Editor: Dr Katie Hemer
UCL Institute of Archaeology
31-34 Gordon Square
London, WC1H 0PY
Newsletter items
Newsletter Editor: Dr Niall Brady
The Archaeological Diving Company Ltd.
Brehon House,
Kilkenny Road,
Co Kilkenny,