
The Society makes three awards annually for the best undergraduate dissertation, postgraduate dissertation, and best presentation of new findings in its journal


Award for the best undergraduate dissertation in medieval archaeology

The award will be made annually to the undergraduate dissertation that makes the most original contribution to medieval archaeology (from AD c.400 to c.1600), submitted to a university in the United Kingdom or Ireland.

Each institution is invited to submit the dissertation of their best candidate, before 1st of September, who completed their degree during the previous academic year. The dissertations will be read by Dr Alice Blackwell, with short-listed dissertations also being read by one of the Society’s Council Members.

The winner will be offered one of the Society’s recent Monographs (to be chosen by the winner) and £100. The other short-listed candidates will be commended. Submissions should be sent via email as a PDF to the Grants & Awards Officer, Dr Alice Blackwell


Award for the best postgraduate dissertation in medieval archaeology

The award for the best postgraduate dissertation in medieval archaeology will be made annually to the postgraduate (taught Masters) dissertation that makes the most original contribution to the study of medieval archaeology (from AD c.400 to c.1600), submitted to a university in the United Kingdom or Ireland.

The prize is intended for students studying for a taught postgraduate Masters qualification, in which a dissertation of no more than c.20,000 words is submitted as part of the coursework (NB students studying for a Scottish undergraduate degree that results in an MA qualification should be considered for the Undergraduate Dissertation Award. The Postgraduate Dissertation Award is not intended for the theses produced during a research Masters (such as MPhil or MRes) in which the bulk of the assessment comprises a single, longer dissertation. If you have any questions about the eligibility of potential candidates please contact Dr Alice Blackwell

Each year, Institutions will be invited to submit the dissertation of their best candidate who completed their degree in the preceding calendar year by April 1st. The dissertations will be read by a panel made up of the Society’s Council members. The winner will be offered £250 and free attendance at the Society’s annual conference at which the award will be made. The other short-listed candidates will be commended. Submissions should be emailed as a PDF to the Grants & Awards Officer Dr Alice Blackwell:


Award for the best novel interpretation, application of analytical method or presentation of new findings in Medieval Archaeology

In 2007, with Volume 51, the Society introduced an annual award of £300 for the best novel interpretation, application of analytical method or presentation of new findings published in its journal. The Editorial Committee of the Society considers all articles and notes for eligibility, and the President makes a presentation at the December AGM, shortly after publication of the award-winning paper.

For more information about contributing to the journal, please see the Instructions for Authors on our publisher’s website, particularly the guidance on approaching the Editor with suggestions for publication, and the annual submission deadline of 28 February (unfortunately we cannot guarantee to consider late submissions for the award).