Society for Medieval Archaeology - News
Current Archaeology Book Awards 2022
Our Treasurer Professor Duncan Sayer, UCLAN, has been nominated for the 14th annual Current Archaeology Book Award! You can vote for Early Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries: kinship, community, and identity, or any other nomination, here
Cambrian Archaeological Association Dissertation Prize – open now!
The Cambrian Archaeological Association has re-launched it’s dissertation prize (formerly known as the Blodwen Jerman Prize), which provides a cash prize of £300 and 3 years CAA membership to the author of the undergraduate or postgraduate dissertation that makes “the most original contribution to the archaeology and/or history of Wales and the Marches”. This year, we
AGM and Winter Symposium 2021
The 2021 AGM and Winter Symposium will be held on online at 12:00 on Monday, 6th December. The AGM Agenda and Winter Symposium line-up are below or view the full programme here: SMA AGM and Winter Symposium 2021. How to join: Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link: Passcode: 407139 Winter Symposium The AGM
Free and Open Access Monograph
We are delighted to make you aware that: Negotiating the North: Meeting-places in the Middle Ages in the North Sea zone, by Sarah Semple, Alexandra Sanmark, Frode Iversen and Natascha Mehler (2021), The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 41, London. This book is open access and freely available in full from the Routledge website:
Readership Survey
We are interested in your feedback on how you read the society’s journal and monographs, and your thoughts about their features and value. We would really appreciate it if you would consider completing a short survey, which can be found here. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for
SMA Newsletter on TV!
The ‘Society for Medieval Archaeology Newsletter’ will feature in this week’s episode of ‘Have I Got News For You’, which will be first broadcast on BBC1 at 21:00 BST on Thursday 7th May 2020 If you see the Newsletter on the show let us know your thoughts on @SocMedArch on Twitter or Society for Medieval Archaeology on