SMA for Students

Your SMA Student Representative…

Each year the Society for Medieval Archaeology invites a student member to take on the role of Student Representative. The Student Rep provides a voice for our growing student membership on SMA Council and also helps organise our annual SMA Student Colloquium and career workshops. Other roles include the maintenance representing the Society at conferences.

If you are interested in taking on the role of Student Representative, please contact the Society’s  Honorary Secretary, Prof. Michael Lewis ( by 1st March with a cover letter, CV and referee details.

See more details here: SMA Student Rep Role Description and Guidelines

The deadline for receipt of applications for the position of Student Representative each year is: 1st March 


Current and Previous SMA Student Representatives


2024: Kate Evetts, University of Leicester

2023: Perry Gardner, Durham University

2022: Arthur Redmonds, University of Exeter

2021: Ryan Prescott, University of Hull

2020: Vanessa Reid, Durham Univesity

2019: Ellie March: University of Exeter

2018: Beatrice Widell, University of Reading

2017: Emma Hook, University of Sheffield

2016: Marit Van Cant, Free University of Brussels & University of Sheffield

2015: Emma Green, University of Sheffield

2014: Sarah Kerr, Queen’s University Belfast

2013: Patrycja Kupiec, University of Aberdeen