Historic Scotland
Historic Scotland safeguards the nation’s historic environment and promotes its understanding and enjoyment on behalf of Scottish Ministers. On our website you can find information on more than 300 properties in our care and Scotland’s listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments. We also have resources for schools and details on technical conservation and research.
Archaeology and Historic Scotland
Historic Scotland supports efforts to rescue information from sites which are endangered by threats like coastal erosion, burrowing animals and agricultural ploughing, through its Archaeology Programme. It also funds work designed to improve understanding Scotland’s archaeology, and to train people and give them guidance to help reduce the destruction of archaeological sites and landscapes. Archaeological recording is carried out when minor works are required at our Properties in Care.
This well preserved stretch of rampart at the Brown Caterthun fort in Angus contrasted remarkably with other stretches where rabbits had undermined the wall.
Where excavations have taken place at our properties and the results were not adequately researched and disseminated, the Archaeology Programme has funded their publication.
Historic Scotland
0131 668 8600
Historic Scotland
Longmore House
Salisbury Place
Edinburgh EH9 1SH