Medieval Sessions at EAA 2024

Posted On: August 6th, 2024

The 30th Annual Meeting of  the European Association of Archaeologists is taking place in Rome at the end of the month (28-31 August). There are lots of medieval-themed sessions within the bumper programme, with 31 Medieval Europe Research Community-affiliated sessions taking place across the four days. If you’re heading to Rome or attending online, we’ve collated all the medieval sessions together into one handy table below! The full programme for the conference can be found here.

Session Number Title Date Time
15 United Europe of Things? Materialities Creating Medieval Ritual Landscapes c.1000-1550 29 August 8:30-16:00
42 Europe-South Asia Relations in the Medieval and Modern Periods 29 August 14:00-18:30
58 Archaeologies of Global Outlands: Non-Agricultural Economies and Interconnected Societies 29 August 14:00-16:00
93 Post-Earthquake Scenarios in the Classical and Medieval Periods: Archaeoseismology as a Tool for Investigation on an Urban and Architectural Scale 29 August 14:00-16:00
104 Zoochanges: Animals as Proxies during Periods of Transition and Change 29 August 8:30-18:30
105 How Were Medieval Towns in Europe Formed? Urban Settlements Between the Early and the High Middle Ages 29 August 8:30-13:00
301 What is a Village? Collective Action, Settlement Patterns and Rural Communities 31 August 14:00-18:30
302 Luxury – Standard – Poverty: Archaeology of Quality of Life in Medieval and Early Modern Towns 31 August 8:30-13:00
374 From Lab to Field, from Vertical to Horizontal: New Approaches to the Use of Portable X-ray Fluorescence in Archaeology 29 August 8:30-13:00
387 Archaeology and the Global Middle Ages: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Trajectories 30 August 14:00-18:30
395 Old Stories and New Data on Slavs: How to Interpret the Genetic, Linguistic and Subsistence Shifts in Early Medieval Europe? 31 August 8:30-13:00
522 Society in the Medieval Mediterranean (5th to 12th Centuries) through Archaeology of Death 30 August 8:30-13:00
538 Contacts, Movements, Migrations in the Viking Age: Maritime Aspects of the Norse Expansion into the North Atlantic 31 August 14:00-16:00
542 Medieval Sensorium: Exploring the Archaeology of the Senses 31 August 14:00-18:30
566 Multiple Scales in the Manifestations of the Islamic 31 August 14:00-18:30
575 Abandonment and Opportunities? Responses to the Late Medieval Desertion 30 August 14:00-16:00
600 Churches as Resources for Society? Co-creating Knowledge and Capturing Social Value 31 August 8:30-10:30
626 MERC Forum: Standing Ruined Buildings in Large Cities – A Burden or a Resource for Society? 30 August 16:30-18:30
629 Living Through Crisis: Urban Household Archaeologies in the Medieval World 29 August 14:00-16:00
631 “A Day Without Pottery is a Day Wasted” – Pottery Technology and Manufacture 30 August 8:30-16:00
643 The Experience of Stone II: Sculpting Comparative Phenomenologies 30 August 14:00-18:30
971 Health of Laboring Communities across Geographies of Work 30 August 11:00-13:00
1040 Tracking Urban DNA: Unravelling the Rise and Fall of Towns and Cities 30 August 11:00-13:00
1052 Reviewing the 2020 MERC Manifesto? Checking in on the Future Direction of Medieval Archaeology in Europe 29 August 16:30-18:30
1057 The Mediterranean in Scandinavia? Imports and Trade during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period c.1000-1800 29 August 16:30-18:30
1068 Agrarian Change in the Medieval Mediterranean: Towards Holistic Archaeologies of Environmental Change 30 August 16:30-18:30
1076 The Late Antique to Early Medieval Transition in Europe and North Africa: Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Migration, Mobility and Identity 29 August 8:30-13:00
1102 Strategies to Rule Them All: A Transnational Analysis of Landscape Control and Scales of Power Between 5th-16th Centuries 29 August 8:30-13:00
1129 Inclusive Archaeology: Practical Approaches to Heritage Participation 29 August 8:30-16:00
1144 New Trends in Medieval and Modern Glass: Glass Centres, Production and Trade 29 August 8:30-13:00
1167 Historical Archaeologies of the Coastal and Fluvial Anthroposphere? Landscapes and Structures, Combing Settlement Archaeology and Geosciences 29 August 14:00-18:30