SMA Conference 2013

Transformations and Continuities in the Eleventh Century: Archaeology of the Norman Conquest

Society for Medieval Archaeology Conference
University of Nottingham, 20th to 22nd September, 2013


Friday 20th September

4.00 onwards Registration

7.00 pm Dinner

8.15 pm Keynote lecture
Hastings, battles, and archaeology – Richard Morris (University of Huddersfield)

9.15 pm Reception in the Archaeology Museum, Lakeside Arts Centre and Museum.

Saturday 21st September
9.00 am Stitch-ups and Slip-ups: the value of the Bayeux Tapestry for understanding eleventh-century material culture – Michael Lewis (British Museum)

9.30 am “Get the London look”: dress accessories and urban identities in the eleventh century – Rosie Weetch (British Museum)

10.00- 10.10 am Discussion

10.10 am Cuisine and Conquest: interdisciplinary perspectives on food, continuity and change in eleventh-century England and beyond – The Medieval Diet Group – represented by Ben Jervis (Birkbeck, University of London), Alexandra Livarda (University of Nottingham) and Fiona Whelan (Wolfson College, University of Oxford)

10.40 am Reconstructing Norman Diaspora: tracking people and ideas through the diffusion of fallow deer (Dama dama dama) – Dama International Team: – Naomi Sykes (University of Nottingham), Holly Miller (University of Nottingham), DKaris Baker (University of Durham) and Jane Evans (NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory Keyworth)

11.10 am Discussion
11.20 am Coffee
11.50 pm All change in the Countryside? Manorial settlements before and after the Conquest – Mark Gardiner (Queen’s University Belfast)

12. 20 pm The Survival of Anglo-Saxon Monuments and Memorials in Norman England – Deirdre O’Sullivan (University of Leicester)

12.50 pm Discussion
1.00 pm Lunch

2.00 pm Aelfwine’s Town: the Norman Conquest and the urban archaeology of Worcester – Hal Dalwood (Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service)

2.30 pm The Archaeology of the Pre-Conquest and Post-Conquest town of Nottingham – Gordon Young (Nottingham City Archaeologist)

3.00 pm Discussion
3.10 pm Regionality and Conquest: revisiting the Norman Conquest of the North – Aleksandra McClain (University of York)

3.40 pm Changing Identities through Monuments of the Conquest: a perspective from eleventh-century South Wales – Anne E. Sassin (Canterbury Christ Church University)

4.10 pm Discussion
4.20 pm Tea
5.30 pm Coaches leave for Southwell

6.00 pm Keynote lecture
The Archaeology of the Norman Conquest: a historian’s perspective – Hugh Thomas (University of Miami)

7.00 pm Church or Chapel? Priests and prebends at Southwell – an archaeological perspective – Paul Everson (University of Keele) and David Stocker (University of Leeds)

7.30 pm Viewing of Southwell Minster
8.00 pm Conference dinner at Southwell

Sunday 22nd September
9.30 am The View from the Motte: rethinking the imposition of urban castles on late Saxon burhs – Michael Fradley (University of York)

10.00 am Anglo-Saxon Towers of Lordship and the Origins of the Castle in England – Michael Shapland (University College London)

10.30 am Discussion
10.40 am Coffee
11.10 am Seeking ‘Norman Burials’: evidence for continuity and change in funerary practice following the Norman Conquest – Elizabeth Craig-Atkins (University of Sheffield)

11.40 am Charity and Conquest: leper hospitals in early Norman England – Simon Roffey (University of Winchester)

12.10 pm Churches in the landscape in North-West Normandy – David Petts (Durham University)

12.40 pm Discussion
1.00 pm Lunch