2016 Conference
Waiting for the End of the World: Perceptions of Disaster and Risk in Medieval Europe
2-4 December 2016, Rewley House, Oxford
This conference will be organized around a number of sessions; some will explore the impacts and societal responses related to different categories of hazard, while others will focus on religious responses and perceptions of risk. It is the intention of the conference organizers to publish the proceedings as a monograph of the Society for Medieval Archaeology.
Accommodation at the conference venue, Rewley House, is filling up quickly so if you are interested in attending the conference it may be a good idea to sign up sooner rather than later! Remember that society members are entitled to a 10% discount on the tuition fee. In order to apply the discount, when booking your place, please use the following promotional code: SMA16.
If you prefer, you can book your place by printing out the enrolment form and sending it to the address given on the form. To claim your 10% society discount, please return the enrolment form with a note saying that you wish to use promotional code SMA16.
Further information regarding the programme and on-line registration may be found here and queries may be directed to medieval.disasters@dur.ac.uk.
Bursaries of £50 available to PhD students to attend the Society’s annual conference. Contact the Hon. Secretary, Prof. Dawn Hadley (D.M.Hadley@Sheffield.ac.uk), to secure a bursary. First come, first served.
This weekend conference is the annual conference of the Society for Medieval Archaeology, but is open to all.